Thank you Essential Workers!


Thank you all Frontline Workers!

We at Würth UK wish to give a massive thank you to frontline staff at this time. The dedication and sacrifice of our front line NHS staff is saving lives. The health service can only function though with all the ancillary services still running as best they can. Keeping these supply lines staying open is only made possible by the heroic efforts of everyone behind the scenes putting their shoulder to the wheel.

As a company, we are honoured to play our own small part in helping support the frontline staff during the COVID-19 outbreak and ongoing lockdown through our website and trade stores.

Our telesales and customer service departments are also still in operation to assist you in placing an order over the phone or helping with any account query you might have at this time. To get in touch, please contact 03300 555444 or

We also wish to recognise the hard work of all our warehouse and logistics staff who are leaving their homes every day to go to work to keep the show on the road despite all that is going on. The company as a whole owe you a debt of gratitude as you keep things moving behind the scenes.

We wish everyone a healthy and safe future and look forward to greeting you in person, online and in store soon!

Please see below for some of the kind sentiments essential services have sent us!

Thank You from Coveris UK Appeal for Provisions - Dunbia UK Thank You from North West Ambulance Service